The joy of Post-Its

The joy of Post-Its

We all have those tit-bits of information that we find hard to remember. I have many, but one that is constantly irritating me is the one that tells you what component of weight acts along the inclined plane and what component acts perpendicular to it? Is it cos or...

Congratulations to Leonora

Received a text yesterday …. “Hi, Stuart. I wanted to let you know that Leonora got a B in maths and an A in physics so she is super happy! Thanks again for all your hard work with her. Sophie” Makes it all worthwhile. Share...
An easy way to lose marks

An easy way to lose marks

This is a classic. Energy = Power x Time So given a question like “How much energy is converted if a 100W light bulb is on for 1 hour?” it’s obvious that you multiply 100W by 1 hour and get the answer 100 Joules. WRONG!! The formula only works if ALL...
I saw this and …

I saw this and …

… thought of my students. An hour with me and I promise your brain won’t turn to mush if you come across a question like this. Share...

Heavens above!

I was talking to a student the other day who wanted to know when the International Space Station would be visible in the sky. There’s a great website called Heavens Above which you can use to find out predicted times at your location. I can highly recommend this...